Selasa, 05 Mei 2015

The Gadgets to Children

The gadget can make users susceptible to addiction. The addiction is not only applies to adults, but also applies to children. If addicted, children can remember to eat, play, and other activities.

In effect, the development of physical and motor the child will be hampered. Forgot to make physical health of children disrupted, while there is a chance to play for with peers to make the development of social child is not normal. He can be a antisosial.

Some gadgets are harmful to health. The children more vulnerable to the risk of radiation than adults. In addition to radiation the signal emanating from the smartphone and other gadgets, a flash of light monitor is also not good for children.

The emission of light in the gadget on the health of the child's eyes. The exposure to radiation signal the gadget in the development of neurons.

Children using gadgets to watch or play with the motion picture quickly. Whether it's the video and games, everything is moving fast. Well, if the child used to enjoy the u...